Student Life » Dignity for All Students Act

Dignity for All Students Act

Our Dignity for All Students Act Policy
CAMPA and its Board of Trustees are committed to providing a safe
and productive learning environment within the charter school. In accordance with New York
State’s “Dignity for All Students Act” (“DASA”) the School is committed to promptly addressing
incidents of harassment and/or discrimination of students that impede students’ ability to learn.
This includes bullying, taunting or intimidation in all their myriad forms.

No student shall be subjected to harassment by employees or students on school property or
at a school function. Nor shall any student be subjected to discrimination based on the
student’s actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion,
religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or sex, by school employees or
students on school property or at a school function.

In addition, CAMPA reserves the right to discipline students, consistent with its Code of
Conduct, who engage in harassment of students off school property under circumstances
where such off-campus conduct 1) affects the educative process; 2) actually endangers the
health and safety of CAMPA students within the educational system; or 3) is reasonably
believed to pose a danger to the health and safety of CAMPA students within the
educational system. This includes written and/or verbal harassment which materially and
substantially disrupts the work and discipline of the school and/or which school officially
reasonably forecast as being likely to materially and substantially disrupt the work and
discipline of the school. A complete description of DASA policies can be found in
CAMPA’s Student Discipline Code, a copy of which is included as Attachment 4.